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小朋友的烏克麗麗 Kids' Ukulele

4.8 ( 4768 ratings )

Vývojář: Chuang Chih-Yuan
0.99 USD

使用小朋友的烏克麗麗貼圖與朋友聊天,教材裡的可愛的動物使你們對話更有樂趣。包含 40 張可愛又實用的貼圖。
Use Kids Ukulele to talk with friends. These colorful animal stickers are so cute and lovely that you will love them. Including 40 cute and useful stickers.

Also available on Line store. 在Line商店也有喔!

FB: 小朋友的烏克麗麗 Kids Ukulele
Kids Ukulele is an instructional textbook specially designed for kids learning Ukulele in a fun and natural way.
教材作者 author:陳炫宏 Benson Chen
教材主編 editor:陳鳳儀 Feng-Feng Chen

website: 音樂家莊智淵(Eric)的弦外之音